Switzerland: Universities, Mountains and French oh my!

Going to Switzerland has been my dream since high school. My goal entering college was to study international relations, get my degree, become fluent in French (I speak some French because I was born in a bilingual country, Cameroon, Africa) and lastly be a diplomat in Switzerland. My interest in Switzerland has to do with the countries neutrality and the fact multiple corporations and organizations such as the WTO are based in Switzerland.

On getting to Geneva Switzerland, I learned that we will be staying for just two days, and of course I was a little sadden by this but I was definitely glad and felt blessed at the reality that I was actually in Switzerland. While in Switzerland we lived in cite universitaire. Our two days entailed an exam in global business strategy, meals, corporate visits, sightseeing and an excursion by cable car to Mt. Blanc. Continue reading

Austria: Sports and Swarovski

In Innsbruck Austria, we stayed at an Olympic sports center called Landessportcenter Tirol. This sport center is home to Olympians, world cup champions and amateurs sportsmen. While staying in a place like this I hoped I would casually bump into an Olympian preferably a volleyball player; oh yeah I am that crazy sports girl who can talk about sports for hours. A little background, I played Volleyball, basketball and lacrosse in high school; and currently play volleyball in college. Continue reading

Tourist in prague

My time in Prague included classes, corporate visits (StanleyBlack&Decker and DDB)  and lots of time spent at old town, lesser town.  On our first day in Prague we began classes for our second course global business strategy. After class we had a tour of Prague and I got to see how beautiful it is; now I understand why lot of people love going to Prague. Our tour guide took us to old town where there were lots of tourist and lots to do and eat. Old town and lesser town were the places the group and I went to whenever we had free time. Continue reading


On Tuesday may 31; we took a plane to Frankfurt, Germany. The plane ride was great because I got the opportunity to get to know two guys from our group better. We talked more about our schools, our goals as well as about Christ. We arrived Frankfurt in the evening around 8; I was glad to get a stamp on my passport signifying my visit to Germany. Leaving the airport we got on the coach and headed to our hotel in Heidelberg. When we arrived at the hotel, the sight of the lobby took my breath away; it was absolutely beautiful; I was definitely glad to be in Germany. Our stay in Germany included classes, corporate visits, and food, lots of delicious food especially the breakfast we got at NH hotel.

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Adventures in Moscow, Russia.

Russia was the destination of our train from Latvia. Going into Russia i did not know what to expect in terms of the economic especially after the crash of the Ruble and the sanctions. On greeting to Moscow the capital of Russia, the first thing i noticed were the architecture difference in architecture.   One of the things i loved about Russia was that we did not have any classes which meant more time to take to do other things. Ours days in russia went something like this: breakfast, devotions, visits to various sites, lunch, visits to sites/corporate visit, dinner and sometimes attending a show. When it came to buying things in Russia, it was evident that the rubble had depreciated tremendously in value. 1 dollar was word 64 Rubles. Using the Russian currency made me realize that because the value of the ruble depreciated it did not cause prices of products to decrease making things more expensive. ok back to my adventure in Moscow, Russia, below are the things we did from the day we arrived russia to the day we left. (Some events fo not have pictures because we weren’t allowed to take pictures) Continue reading

2 Hours in Latvia

Our next destination was Russia and to get there we had to take a train from Latvia. In Latvia we stopped at a restaurant which had an amusement park surrounding it. The restaurant was called Lido and was located in Riga, Latvia. After lunch we headed to the train station and took the train to Moscow Russia. Getting on the train i was excited when i realized our cabins were very much like the ones in the Harry Potter movies.

Lithuania- Visits

May 19 marked my first day in the beautiful city and capital of Lithuania, Vilnus. Vilnus, it is the second largest city in the Baltic states. The city is known for its beautiful architecture. While at Vilnus the group and i visited the US embasy, the Museum of Genocide, the presidential Palace and the Trakai castle; it was quite the experinece and made for very busy days for us all participating in the IBI program. Klaipeda was the second city we went to in Lithuania. Here we got to visit the Klaipeda port authority, as well as the companies called Bega and Albright  Continue reading

My study abroad


This summer i have been blessed with the opportunity of studying abraod through a program called International Business Institute (IBI), in not just one but 13 countries around the world. These countries include: Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, The Netherlans etc. While traveling around Europe and Asia i will also be taking four business courses and participating in coorporate visits.  Continue reading