Switzerland: Universities, Mountains and French oh my!

Going to Switzerland has been my dream since high school. My goal entering college was to study international relations, get my degree, become fluent in French (I speak some French because I was born in a bilingual country, Cameroon, Africa) and lastly be a diplomat in Switzerland. My interest in Switzerland has to do with the countries neutrality and the fact multiple corporations and organizations such as the WTO are based in Switzerland.

On getting to Geneva Switzerland, I learned that we will be staying for just two days, and of course I was a little sadden by this but I was definitely glad and felt blessed at the reality that I was actually in Switzerland. While in Switzerland we lived in cite universitaire. Our two days entailed an exam in global business strategy, meals, corporate visits, sightseeing and an excursion by cable car to Mt. Blanc.

On Friday June 17 we had two great corporate visits to the World Trade Organization and Nestle. The first visit was to the WTO; in this we learned about WTO’s role in solving some of the issues going on in the world. Our second corporate visit was to Nestle, sadly I did not bring my phone for this but trust me when I say the company and its surrounding area was absolutely beautify. We learned that when nestle acquires a company they don’t change the name because of the already established customer base of that company. Did you know they owned Nescafe, Gerber, Lean cuisine, Maggi and much more? Pretty cool!!


On Saturday June 18 we began the day with an exam at 7:45, it wasn’t a great way to start the day but at least we were done with the course, Global Business Strategy. Later on that morning we departed for a long bus ride to Chamonix that is located in France (the beauty of the EU migration policy); as for going up Mt. Blanc lets just say I’m glad I faced my fear but never again. On returning back to Switzerland, my friends and I visited the reformation wall. Later in the evening another IBI student and I joined a couple of students at Cite Universitaire to play outdoors volleyball; at the end of it we got to sign one of the girls volleyball and take selfies; oh and I got to speak French with them too.


On the next day, Sunday June 19th we had a full day of travel by bus to Paris, France.

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