Tourist in prague

My time in Prague included classes, corporate visits (StanleyBlack&Decker and DDB)  and lots of time spent at old town, lesser town.  On our first day in Prague we began classes for our second course global business strategy. After class we had a tour of Prague and I got to see how beautiful it is; now I understand why lot of people love going to Prague. Our tour guide took us to old town where there were lots of tourist and lots to do and eat. Old town and lesser town were the places the group and I went to whenever we had free time.

June 7: tour of Prague

June 8 & 9: corporate visit to StanleyBlack&Decker, class  and free time


June 10: One of the great things about studying abroad is getting the chance to see people you know. I got to see someone i used to work with at ENC; Sarah Good. Interesting fact is she was the one who hired me for my current job. I am absolutely glad at the opportunity to get to see her again. when we met she took me around Prague and we saw sites including: Vltava River, the dancing house and we had dinner at U Bulinů in Vinohrady where i tried some of Czech’s traditional meal Svíčková




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