
On Tuesday may 31; we took a plane to Frankfurt, Germany. The plane ride was great because I got the opportunity to get to know two guys from our group better. We talked more about our schools, our goals as well as about Christ. We arrived Frankfurt in the evening around 8; I was glad to get a stamp on my passport signifying my visit to Germany. Leaving the airport we got on the coach and headed to our hotel in Heidelberg. When we arrived at the hotel, the sight of the lobby took my breath away; it was absolutely beautiful; I was definitely glad to be in Germany. Our stay in Germany included classes, corporate visits, and food, lots of delicious food especially the breakfast we got at NH hotel.


On Wednesday June 1, 2016 we had two corporate visits. The first was to John Deere in Frankfurt at 10am. After this a few friends and I had lunch at a restaurant before walking to Deutsche bank for the second visit. Both visits were amazing especially because these companies have come up during some of my class discussions and to get the chance to visit them and learn more about them was surreal. Thursday was full of classes with breaks here and there for lunch and dinner.

On Friday June 3, 2016 we had a corporate visit to the European Central Bank in the morning and classes in the evening. Going to the ECB was an amazing experience to me, again to be in the presence of something I usually just talked about or heard about in the news. I am so thankful for the opportunities I have had during the program to visit such big corporations that have huge influences on the world. On Saturday we had an exam and free time to go around Germany.

On Sunday June 5th 2016, we went to church and visited the castle in Germany where we took a tour and I even got to see the worlds biggest wine barrel.


On Monday June 6 we departed from Heidelberg, Germany to Prague Czech Republic…

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