Adventures in Moscow, Russia.

Russia was the destination of our train from Latvia. Going into Russia i did not know what to expect in terms of the economic especially after the crash of the Ruble and the sanctions. On greeting to Moscow the capital of Russia, the first thing i noticed were the architecture difference in architecture.   One of the things i loved about Russia was that we did not have any classes which meant more time to take to do other things. Ours days in russia went something like this: breakfast, devotions, visits to various sites, lunch, visits to sites/corporate visit, dinner and sometimes attending a show. When it came to buying things in Russia, it was evident that the rubble had depreciated tremendously in value. 1 dollar was word 64 Rubles. Using the Russian currency made me realize that because the value of the ruble depreciated it did not cause prices of products to decrease making things more expensive. ok back to my adventure in Moscow, Russia, below are the things we did from the day we arrived russia to the day we left. (Some events fo not have pictures because we weren’t allowed to take pictures)

On the friday may 27 2016, we arrived in Russia,  we went to see the Swan lake ballet cause it was the thing to do apparently, lots of people where in attendance as you will see in the pictures below.

On Saturday May 28 2016 we visited the Armory, the territory of the Moscow kremlin, went on a boat ride and ended the day by going to the circus. It was my first time going to a Circus and I had a great time.

On Sunday May 29, 2016 we went to two different churches. The first was the famous Cathedral of Christ the Savior, for this the females including myself had to wear scarfs over our head. The second church we when to was an english speaking church called International Fellowship Church. After church we had lunch in the underground mall before visiting the Bunker. the bunker was the most physically challenging experience i have faced so far in the program, mainly because we had to walk down and up 18 flights of stairs.


On Monday the 30th of May 2015  we had several corporate visits, first a briefing with Integra, a briefing with a Language school, a corporate visit to Ernst and Young one of the big four accounting firms. Specifically for our visit to E&Y we had three speakers, one was French, the other British and the last Russian; it was a great getting each of their perspectives on whats going on in their company as well as in Russia

On our last day in Russia, Tuesday may 31, 2016 first loaded our luggage onto the coach, had breakfast and headed for a corporate visit to KPMG also part of the big four firms.The speaker was just amazing and i learned a lot from him about life in the corporate word as well as life out of it. Then we proceeded to the airport with Germany as our next destination.



4 thoughts on “Adventures in Moscow, Russia.

      • Marta Frant says:

        The financial crisis results in many problems for our citizens and has a huge impact on our daily life, but honestly I thought it couldn’t do tourists any harm.


      • vantravelsblog says:

        It doesnt; the only reason it plays a part to my stay in russia has to do with the fact that I am a student who studies global business and the abroad program i am currently on is business focused. The financial crisis was something we talked about during our corporate visits and it was something i was aware of while purchasing food or other items. So as tourist it was great and as a business student i got a better understanding of the financial aspect of things through my experience.

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