Lithuania- Visits

May 19 marked my first day in the beautiful city and capital of Lithuania, Vilnus. Vilnus, it is the second largest city in the Baltic states. The city is known for its beautiful architecture. While at Vilnus the group and i visited the US embasy, the Museum of Genocide, the presidential Palace and the Trakai castle; it was quite the experinece and made for very busy days for us all participating in the IBI program. Klaipeda was the second city we went to in Lithuania. Here we got to visit the Klaipeda port authority, as well as the companies called Bega and Albright 

We spent a week in Lithuania and in this week i learned a months worth of infomation. I got a glimpse of what the business world looks like and while it can be sometimes busy and tiring, it can also be exciting and so worth it. During this week we also had classes before and after our corporate visits, so you could say we were quite busy.

For being my first stop, Lithuania was absolutely beautiful and i have the pictures to show you. From the locations, the food and the people, Lithuania is a place anyone would fall in love with when they visit, i know i did.

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