My study abroad


This summer i have been blessed with the opportunity of studying abraod through a program called International Business Institute (IBI), in not just one but 13 countries around the world. These countries include: Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, The Netherlans etc. While traveling around Europe and Asia i will also be taking four business courses and participating in coorporate visits. 

As i am writing this blog, i have been in the IBI program for almost a week now. Our first stop is Lithuania and the country is absolutely beautiful. In my upcoming post i will share pictures and a few words on what i found interesting in each of the countries i visit. I have spent 6 days in lithuania and i feel as though it has been a month. My days have consisted of breakfast, devotions, classes, lunch, corporate visits, dinners and sometimes one more class before bed. It has been very busy but in a good way.

I hope to share this wonderful experience with you all who want to be part of it wether through pictures, written post and even answering questions you may have to the best of my knowlegede. I can’t wait to continue this jouney, and bring you along with me through this blog. I will try to blog daily but if i do not keep up with that, no worries there is always the next day.



Vannessa E.

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