Lithuanian Food

Food is one of those things that everyone loves. Going to Lithuania i did not know what to expect because it was my first time in the Country and the culture was different from that of the United States or Cameroon. While in Lithuania, i ate at a few restaurants including Belmontas, Medininkai restaurant Dvatas and a few more. The interior designs for these restaurants were absolutely beautiful and their food quite delicious. Going to these restaurants I realized a pattern of how they served food. First they bring out the salad, a jar of water with lemons in it, the main course (which most of the time consisted of rice, chicken and vegetables), a dessert and tea or coffee.

I loved the food but i have to admit salad was never really my thing until i tried the ones served to me at some of the restaurants. While i loved almost anything I ate, there was one thing I did not enjoy; the water with lemons (all i wanted was pure water). I also got to try some of Lithuania’s traditional meals which i liked a lot. Most of the meals i tried as well as the deserts had unique tastes to them but are definitely worth trying. The one thing i realized in the taste of food is that unlike what i am used to in the United States, Lithuanian food and deserts are not too sweet; but no worries there are definately options for those with sweet tooth but i appreciated that not every desert had lots of sugar but just enough. Here are pictures of some of the meals I had.

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Lithuania- Visits

May 19 marked my first day in the beautiful city and capital of Lithuania, Vilnus. Vilnus, it is the second largest city in the Baltic states. The city is known for its beautiful architecture. While at Vilnus the group and i visited the US embasy, the Museum of Genocide, the presidential Palace and the Trakai castle; it was quite the experinece and made for very busy days for us all participating in the IBI program. Klaipeda was the second city we went to in Lithuania. Here we got to visit the Klaipeda port authority, as well as the companies called Bega and Albright  Continue reading

My study abroad


This summer i have been blessed with the opportunity of studying abraod through a program called International Business Institute (IBI), in not just one but 13 countries around the world. These countries include: Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, The Netherlans etc. While traveling around Europe and Asia i will also be taking four business courses and participating in coorporate visits.  Continue reading